

Contrary to what you may think, Permanent Makeup is not for everyone. Candidates who have any of the following conditions are NOT suitable for Permanent Makeup:

  • Eczema or Psoriasis

  • Severe acne

  • Rosacea

  • Glaucoma

  • High blood pressure must have doctor’s note/clearance

  • Cancer

  • Mitral valve disorder

  • Allergy to topical anesthetics

  • Allergy to nickel

  • Prone to Keloids

  • Sunburn

  • Botox or Filler injected in the area within 4 weeks

  • Very thin or mature skin consultation may be required

  • Currently undergoing aggressive skin peeling methods

  • Facial within 4 weeks

  • Retin-a or Retinoid use within 4 weeks

  • Currently using Accutane must be off treatment for 1 year

  • Currently on antibiotics

  • Currently on blood thinners

  • Pregnant or Breastfeeding

  • Undergoing Chemotherapy must be off Chemo or Radiation for 6 months and must have doctor’s note/clearance

  • Hemophilia

  • Heart Condition

  • Blood transmitted disease such as HIV or Hepatitis

  • Autoimmune Disease must have doctor’s note/clearance

  • Diabetic must have doctor’s note/clearance

Contrary to what you may think, Permanent Makeup is not for everyone. To ensure long lasting and beautiful results, Permanent Makeup will not be done on anybody with the aforementioned conditions. This is your investment, please make sure you are a good candidate for permanent makeup before scheduling your appointment.

What is Microblading?

Microblading is a form of cosmetic eyebrow tattooing, also referred to as permanent makeup or micropigmentation, that mimics the look of individual hair strokes. Although it is considered permanent makeup, it fades over time. Touch ups are suggested once every year or two in order to keep the color fresh and the shape precise.

The microblading process provides partial to moderate coverage while giving the appearance of simulated hair by depositing small amounts of cosmetic tattoo pigment into the dermis.

What is Lip Blush?

Lip blush is the process of infusing pigment into the lips to create perfectly shaped and defined lips, with the color tint of your choice. It does not make lips fuller as injections would, but they will look slightly bigger as we enhance your vermilion border.
It does not make lips fuller as injections would, but they will look slightly bigger as we enhance your vermilion border.

Please exfoliate daily and moisturize lips for 1 week prior to your appointment.

If you have experienced cold sores in the past, you are REQUIRED to receive a prescription strength valtrex from your doctor before your appointment.

Two sessions are recommended for lip blush. However, if you have dark lips, three to four sessions may be required to achieve your desired look.

What is Ombré/Powder Brow?

Ombre/Powder brow is a form of cosmetic eyebrow tattooing, also referred to as permanent makeup or micropigmentation, that simulates the appearance of filled in brows. Although it is considered permanent makeup, it fades over time. Touch ups are suggested once every few years in order to keep the color fresh and the shape precise.

This technique is perfect for clients who like a very defined or makeup type look to their brows. This is a beautiful look for all skin types, and can be done very soft and natural or more defined and bold depending on the clients desired outcome.

What is Combo Brow?

A combo brow is a form of cosmetic eyebrow tattooing, also referred to as permanent makeup or micropigmentation, that simulates the appearance of a full hair stroked brow that is also filled in with some makeup. It is a perfect combination of Microblading + Ombre Shading. Although it is considered permanent makeup, it fades over time. Touch ups are suggested once every few years in order to keep the color fresh and the shape precise.

This is perfect for clients who enjoy the look of natural hair strokes, but also want their brows to look filled in with a little to a lot of makeup. This is a beautiful look for all skin types, and can be done very soft and natural or more defined and bold. This technique is my personal favorite, and is what I have on my brows!

Does Permanent Makeup hurt?

At the Wakeup with Makeup Microblading studio, we use 5% topical lidocaine prior to and during your procedure to ensure that the experience is as comfortable and painless as possible. Of course pain tolerances vary person to person and with that in mind your artist will take the utmost care to assess your numbness and comfort level throughout the session. Microblading shouldn’t exceed a 3/10 on the pain scale. However, having the procedure during your menstrual cycle may increase your sensitivity level.

How long will my Permanent Makeup last?

Cosmetic tattooing is designed to fade over time. Factors such as skin type, lifestyle, age, metabolism, medications, and pigment color affect the longevity of the tattoo. The sun and some kinds of lighting (such as tanning beds) can affect the rate at which these pigments are broken down. To take care of your brows you must follow the aftercare instructions and touch up your brows every 12-18 months (as needed). Touch ups are normal and expected for permanent makeup.


Do I really need a touch up?

Yes! Two sessions are needed with a 5-8 week window between the two appointments.

At the touch up appointment we will assess the color retention and make adjustments as necessary. The touch up also increases the longevity of your permanent makeup.

Lip blush clients who are in need of neutralization may need three to four sessions to achieve their desired result.

How should I prepare for my Permanent Makeup procedure?

If you have an ideal shape and color in mind, bring a few reference photos with you to your appointment. I recommend you find reference photos from the work I post on my Instagram page, although Pinterest etc. will work as well.

You may fill in your eyebrows as you normally would so we can take into consideration the shape you desire. A photo of how you typically make up your brows will work too!

If you typically tint your brows, you will want to do so 72 hours before your scheduled appointment.

What should I avoid before my Permanent Makeup procedure?

Doing any of the following will compromise the results of your PMU procedure:

  • If you have been on prescription Accutane in the past, you MUST wait at least one year before considering this procedure.

  • You must NOT use Retin-A near the brow area for 2 weeks before or after your procedure.

  • If you plan to go on a vacation, it is recommended to plan your trip a minimum of 14 days after the procedure.

  • It is highly recommended that you avoid SUN and TANNING BED exposure for 14 days BEFORE and AFTER your procedure. If you show up for your appointment with a new tan or a sunburn, you will need to reschedule and will forfeit your deposit. As your skin exfoliates from a sunburn, it will take the pigment with it.

  • You will need to avoid water for 7-14 days after your procedure! This includes excessive sweating, pools, lakes, salt water, etc.
    No botox, fillers, microdermabrasion, chemical peels or anything of the like for at least 4 weeks prior to your procedure, and also 4 weeks after.
    Do not take any blood thinning medication for a minimum of 72 hours prior to their appointment. This includes Vitamin E, Aspirin, Niacin, fish oil supplements, and Ibuprofen.

  • Do not drink alcohol or smoke (tobacco or marijuana) within 24 hours of your appointment.
    Avoid caffeine 12 hours prior to your appointment (this includes teas, and decaf teas and/or coffees, which still have caffeine).

How will my eyebrows/lips appear immediately after the procedure?

Immediately after your PMU procedure there may be some redness, swelling and/or irritation. This typically subsides within 12-48 hours.

BROWS: In the hours following your procedure your brows will appear darker and bolder than they will heal due to oxidation in the surface layer of your skin. Your brows could also appear warmer in color For the first few days afterwards, your brows will be a few shades darker than expected. Don't worry! This is all part of the process. Your detailed aftercare instructions will be given to you after your appointment.
Around day 3 you may notice some flaking or light scabbing on the treated area, DO NOT PICK AT IT, doing so will result in the loss of pigment in those areas. Brows may appear spotty or patchy until the entire brow has finished healing. You may notice some areas may appear very light or even to have lost pigment entirely after they have peeled. The epidermis will be thicker causing muting, hiding or diffusing of pigment underneath. The epidermis will normalize over the next 4-6 weeks and softened pigment should appear more clearly on the surface of your skin.
At 4-6 weeks your brows will be fully healed. Whatever pigment that does not return will be addressed at your touch up appointment, or if you’d prefer darker or bolder brows we can always deepen the color or dimension during that appointment as well.

LIPS: Expect moderate swelling, usually one to three days following the procedure.
Sometimes the lips can bruise even after the procedure. Bruising will subside within 24 hours post procedure.
Scabbing may make the lips feel thick.
Lips will fade up to 50% after the first 5 days.

While healing, the tattoo will look patchy. This is due to skin regeneration and healing.

Two or three sessions may be required to achieve the desired results (sometimes more if the client has dark lips which MUST be neutralized before placing the target color).

Please be patient. Cosmetic tattooing is a multiple-step appointment process with a healing time of approximately 4-6 weeks in between touch up and appointment.

What is your cancellation / reschedule policy?

My policies are very clear and fair. By booking an appointment you agree to these policies.

I require at least 3 days (72 hours) notice for any cancellations or reschedules. Any cancellations or reschedules made within this timeframe will lose their initial deposit and down payment.

No shows or cancellations made the day of the appointment will be charged IN FULL.

ONE reschedule is allowed per client. Reschedules MUST be done 3 or more days prior to your original appointment, otherwise it is considered a last minute cancellation and you will forfeit your initial deposit and down payment.

Any subsequent reschedules are considered a new booking, and a NEW deposit will be required to book. They will also be subject to any price increases.

All reschedules/cancellations MUST be done through your booking confirmation link NOT via phone or text.

If a client does not show up to their appointment, they will be black listed from making any further appointments.

If a client cancels or reschedules more than two times, they will be black listed from making any further appointments.

My policies are very clear and fair. By booking an appointment you agree to these policies.

What methods of payment do you take?

I prefer cash, and accept venmo, zelle, apple pay or card with a 3% processing fee.

How much should I tip?

Any gratuity is greatly appreciated. Typical gratuity for this service is 20% the total service fee (about $60-90 depending on the service).

How can I book an appointment?

You can book your appointment directly on my website under the BOOK NOW tab or click here. My website is up to date and has my full availability.

We do not take appointments over the phone or by text.

When booking your appointment, you will need to click the box to leave your card on file otherwise your card information will be lost and your appointment request will get denied.

My policies are very clear and fair. By booking an appointment you agree to these policies.

What is the after care?

BROWS: Wash your brows morning and night for 7 days with the gentle cleanser provided to you at your appointment. Wash your brows within 4 hours of getting them done. Please wash your brows with COOL or slightly warm water.

Make sure to wash your brows OUTSIDE of the shower. Looking in the mirror while washing so you can make sure to be extra gentle. Only whip gently in the direction of hair growth. No circles or hard rubbing. Pat your brows dry with a clean paper towel or a cotton pad and dispose.

Apply a rice grain size of the after balm or lotion provided to you at your appointment to the brows 3 times a day. Apply with a q-tip or your fingers (make sure your hands are extremely clean). If you have oily or combination skin only 2 times a day is necessary. Your tube should last you through your initial and your touch up appointment. If you need more balm at your follow up appointment, they can be purchased for an additional $5.

Keep your brows dry (besides when washing them) until they are completely healed! AKA no scabbing or flaking left. This is usually 10-14 days.

Clients still need to keep dry in the shower while the brows are healing…Steamy hot showers will cause the pores to open and the scabs will soften. So be cautious. No steamy hot showers!! Avoid the water, especially shampoo and conditioner running down into the brow area. Any products besides the soap and balm provided to you at your appointment will cause discoloration of brows!

No excessive sweating or working out.

No sauna, hot tub, pool, ocean, etc.

Do not pick, rub, or scratch the scabs. Avoid sleeping on your face.

Avoid direct sunlight exposure for 2 weeks.

No anti-aging or acne products on them EVER!! They will cause fading VERY quickly. This is anything with chemical exfoliants such as retinol, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, etc.

LIPS: It is very important to remove the lymph fluid from the surface of the skin in order to avoid heavy scabbing. Before bed, if the lips still have some dry lymph, rinse with lukewarm water, gently removing the dry lymph, pat dry and apply the healing ointment provided to you at your appointment.

Apply ointment on lips OBSESSIVELY! I suggest reapplying every 15-30 minutes for optimal healed results and retention. This should be done for at least 10 days post treatment.

Do not allow lips to become dry. This may interfere with the healed color. During the day, if the lips feel dry, apply a light layer of ointment. Make sure to dap/press onto skin. Do not rub it in.

Please do not ice the lips.

Keep the skin moist at all times, do not let the lips dry out. Continue to apply ointment every 15-30 minutes throughout the day. Again, do NOT let the lips dry out.

Itching is normal. DO NOT PICK!

No soaps, cleansing creams, or chemicals on the lips. Wash your face carefully, avoiding the lip area for 10 days.

Avoid water on the new pigmented areas as much as possible for the first 7 days (when showering, washing face, etc. have ointment on the pigmented area to protect lips from water). Do not stand in front of shower head when showering.

Do not expose the lips to direct sunlight or tanning beds for 4 weeks. This is new skin and will sunburn easily and will sunburn easily. Direct sun prematurely may also cause scarring and alter pigment color.

What if I’ve had previous Permanent Makeup?

I require that anyone who has EVER had their brows or lips tattooed previously by another artist text me a picture before booking their appointment. This way we can discuss price, your options and schedule sufficient time.

I do not “touch up” other artists' work. Any client coming to me from a different artist is considered a new client, with full prices.